Worthington Sharpe website

Monday, 26 May 2014


After the extensive research we decided to go with a blue finish for the prototype. Thank you to everyone who gave feedback. We will however still get the trial batch made in a few different colours as the vote was hardly unanimous.

You can see from the image below that the shade is a bit different to the blue sample disk but is still a lovely colour. The actual colour that results from a particular dye depends on the grade of aluminium and the amount of time the part is left in the coating bath. Once we are happy with a colour we can get consistent results but a bit of experimentation will be required to start with.

I'll post more images from the completed prototype and also the other colours as I get them.

Friday, 2 May 2014

More on Colours

We did some renderings in different colours to try and get a better idea other than just the coloured samples. These were done in-house so are less than perfect representations.

The white is also a bit of an unknown. It is apparently not normally possible to anodise in white, so we will have to see if the Diamondyze process that we are using gives this as an option.

The "silver" samples we've got are really more of a grey colour so we need to see if it can be brightened up a bit.

Colour Options

Worthington Sharpe