Worthington Sharpe website

Thursday 29 August 2013

Beyond the Mouse

Well then, we've got a prototype that works really well...

The Prototype

...now we want to make the buttons better and change and polish a few other things. Then we want to release a developer version, make it even better, sell a few, listen to the feedback, modify it for mass production, sort out all the software and computer game integration, sell a few more, design better versions and all the rest.

I'll fill you in on a few details and the point of this later, or you can have a look at worthingtonsharpe.com

The trouble is, I don't really know what I am doing.

Well, I suppose that is a little bit harsh. We know a few things about engineering and designing decent products, been running a engineering design business since 2005 without going bust or going to court. But we've never taken a product from a prototype to a global market all by ourselves. Not even once.

This is a story about how it happens.



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